Need someone to walk your dog while you're settling in with a newborn? Want help with a load of laundry? How about asking for a service to clean your house? Go ahead, add any of these (or go wild!) custom gifts or services to your registry using our Help & Favors coupons. In the app, press the Shop icon at the bottom and tap on Gift Cards, Favors and More to get to the coupons. Get inspired with our Help & Favors Sample Registry.
Once you've added it, you can customize it to your liking. Don't forget to add a note—probably the most important step! Since Gift Givers come to a registry wanting to get you something you really need, tell them the best way to give you this non-traditional gift. (Be specific and don’t forget to include important contact info like phone numbers or email addresses, when needed.)
Secret revealed: By leaving the quantity blank, the item will remain on your list no matter how many people want to give you one. (Think unlimited babysitting!).
If you want to register for monetary contributions, a Cash Fund may be a better fit than the Wild Card coupon.