Babylist offers free standard shipping on orders over $45 (some exclusions apply). Eligible items can arrive faster with our expedited options. Let's break down the cost associated with our different shipping methods.
Bundled Shipping:
- If a Registrant has opted-in to bundled shipping (eligible Babylist Shop orders get bundled and sent in fewer boxes within a two-week period): Free!
Standard Shipping:
- Babylist Shop orders over $45 (before tax): Free!
- Babylist Shop orders under $45 (before tax): $7.99
Expedited Shipping Options:
- Express: $29.99
- Priority: $39.99
- Hawaii and Alaska: A non-refundable additional fee will be applied based on the order amount (before tax)
- Furniture: A non-refundable fee is added based on the item's size and weight
The more you know:
- Digital Babylist Shop gift cards, Group Gift Contributions, Lovevery subscriptions, and items purchased through other retailers are excluded
- Expedited shipping options aren't available for all items. We'll notify you at checkout if your order is eligible
- Standard shipping time frames are counted in calendar days (starting with the day after the order is placed)
- Express shipping can take 3-5 days to arrive, while Priority shipping should be delivered within 1-3 days
- Delivery estimates will be provided at the time the order is placed