Cash Funds are a great way for family and friends to contribute financially to big-ticket items like a cloth diapering service, stroller or to kick-start a college fund.
When you add a Cash Fund to your registry, your guests can contribute to your Venmo or PayPal account directly from your Babylist. We'll also provide your Gift Givers with your shipping address in the event they want to mail you a check (if you've made your address public!).
Important things to know:
- Partners or Collaborators can add Cash Funds on the app, but not on web.
- You can't set a custom goal, but if you have an amount in mind, you can always add that info in the Note box. This will let your friends and family know what you need.
- Cash Fund contributions aren't managed by Babylist.
- Babylist is not affiliated with Venmo or PayPal and we don't have internal specifics on their policies. For further details on general information, international accounts and currency exchange fees, please reach out to them directly.